Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Turkish Cypriot press review 22.02.2010

Reactions to the decision adopted by the House of Representatives on the issues of guarantees and other internal issues are the main topics covered by the Turkish Cypriot press today. 

Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (22.02.10) reports that Dervis Eroglu, self-styled prime minister and “candidate” of the National Unity Party (UBP) for the forthcoming “presidential elections”, has said that they will never abandon the active and effective guarantees of Turkey and added that the guarantees are a red line for him and his party. Addressing a meeting of his supporters at occupied Lysi village, Mr Eroglu condemned the decision recently taken by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, which provides for the abolition of the guarantees in Cyprus. Mr Eroglu reiterated that if he is “elected”, he is ready to meet with President Christofias anywhere the latter wishes. The paper points out to the enthusiasm at the meeting and writes that the UBP supporters shouted slogans such as “Eroglu to the presidential palace”.

Under the title “It is now time to leave the table”, Turkish Cypriot daily Bakis newspaper (22.02.10) reports that Serdar Denktas, chairman of the Democratic Party (DP), has alleged that after the decision of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, which provides for the abolition of the guarantees in Cyprus, it is meaningless for the Turkish side to stay at the negotiating table and continue the negotiations. Mr Denktas claimed that nothing is left to be discussed and negotiated. He noted that all the Turkish Cypriot political parties consider the continuation of the “active and effective guarantees of Turkey” as one of the parameters of the solution and claimed that the decision of the House of Representatives showed once more that the Greek Cypriots do not take into consideration the issues which the Turkish Cypriots regard as vital. He said he expects the Turkish Cypriot leader Talat to issue a statement noting officially that there is no need left for the continuation of the negotiations. He called on all Turkish Cypriots to hang on their houses and working places the flag of the “TRNC”, breakaway regime in the occupied areas of Cyprus, in order to show that they will never accept an agreement which does not provide for the continuation of the guarantees.    

Turkish Cypriot daily Halkin Sesi newspaper (22.02.10) reports that the chairman of the so-called Fighter Commanders’ Association, Hasan Keskin said no one has the right to put the future of the Turkish Cypriots in danger and added that the active and effective guarantees of Turkey and the issues of property, sovereignty and security are red lines for the Turkish Cypriots. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the offices of his association in occupied Galatia village, he alleged that after the decision on the Orams case and the recent decision of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus on the issue of the guarantees, the Turkish Cypriot leader Talat has nothing else to discuss on the security and property issues. The paper writes that during the ceremony a “document of gratitude” was given to the persons who had transferred weapons from Turkey’s Balalan area to Cyprus in the past and were known as “supplying bees”.

Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (22.02.10) reports that the Turkish Cypriot Pensioners’ Association has condemned the decision taken by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus on the issue of the guarantees and evaluated it as “lack of respect” towards the Turkish Cypriots. The chairman of the association, Mustafa Toga alleged that the Greek Cypriot side aims at preventing the negotiations and the solution and claimed that the only target of the Greek Cypriot side is to get the possession of the entire Cyprus. 

Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (22.02.10) reports that a delegation of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (TCCC) headed by TCCC’s chairman Gunay Cerkez is visiting Brussels in order to hold contacts with officials of the EU Commission. The paper writes that the delegation will stay in Brussels until 25 February and discuss the problems faced during the trade within the framework of the Green Line Regulation, the “defects” in the Financial Aid Regulation and the implementation of the Direct Trade Regulation. Mr Cerkez said they will ask for the “official registration” of the direct trade through the occupied ports of Cyprus.

Under the title “The End”, Turkish Cypriot daily Haberdar newspaper (22.02.10) reports that Semih Idiz, well-known Turkish journalist, diplomatic correspondent of daily Milliyet and supporter of the “yes” vote during the Annan Plan period, has alleged that the negotiating process in Cyprus has come to a dead-end and  claimed that we have come to “the end”. In statements to Turkish Cypriot Kanal T television, Mr Idiz claimed that the “end” is the recognition of the “TRNC”, breakaway regime in the occupied areas of Cyprus. He noted that this could not happen in a wink, but “the process is working in this direction”. Referring to Dervis Eroglu’s possible victory in the “elections” and the fears that this will negatively influence the Cyprus talks, he said: “We should not be unfair to Eroglu. If Eroglu wins with a strong instruction, he could lead the situation to  a certain point on the condition he continues the current situation.  I think that there will be continuation here. And during this continuation process, the closeness with Ankara will continue as always”.      

Under the title “Difficult decision”, Turkish Cypriot daily Star Kibris newspaper (22.02.10) reports that  six candidates for the presidency of the National Unity Party (UBP) in case the current chairman Dervis Eroglu wins the forthcoming “elections” are waiting for a “sign” from Mr Eroglu to approve their candidacy for the post. At the same time, the existence of an opposition group in the party supporting Tahsin Ertugruloglu for the same post is forcing Mr Eroglu to take a “critical decision”, having in mind the unity of the party. Fears exist that the delay of the decision, the speculations and the deepening of the factions in the party might deal a blow to the UBP in the “elections”, reports the paper. It is said that Eroglu, who wants to enter into the election campaign having the full support of his party, is looking for a formula which will not be ignoring the opposition in the party.

Meanwhile, Turkish Cypriot daily Havadis newspaper (22.02.10) reports that in statements to his close friends, Mr Ertugruloglu commented on his visits to Ankara and said he was carrying out the duty of a “bridge” between Ankara and the UBP. He noted that he agreed with Mr Eroglu during a meeting they had on Friday. The paper writes that the issues on which Eroglu and Ertugruloglu agreed were not clarified and adds that most probably the agreement concerns the “election” of Ertugruloglu to the post of the chairman of the UBP.  

Turkish Cypriot daily Halkin Sesi newspaper (22.02.10) reports that six companies from the occupied areas of Cyprus are participating in the Gulffood Food Fair which is being organized in Dubai between 21 and 24 February 2010. According to a statement issued by the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Industry, five companies  participated in the fair in the stand of the chamber and one in the stand of Turkey.
Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika newspaper (22.02.10) reports that journalist Zubeyir Agaoglu visited the paper yesterday and complained for information about him published in daily Yeni Volkan newspaper, noting that this information was not true. Volkan published a picture of a person with a covered face alleging that this person was mediating between the government of the Republic of Cyprus and Turkish Cypriot owners of property in the free areas of the Republic so that the latter to sell their properties to the government. Volkan further alleged that this person was taking a commission. Agaoglu wondered why the “police” did not search for him after this publication if he is cooperating with the Greek Cypriots and said he will take Volkan to “court”. Volkan reported that it acquired the bands of telephone conversations between Agaoglu and “agents” of the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Cyprus.  


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

Οι «μπουκαδόροι» του Υπουργείου Άμυνας

Του Χρήστου Καπούτση Υπάρχουν όρια στην παρακμή, στη σήψη , στη βλακεία; Υπάρχει κάποιο οριακό σημείο, που δεν μπορεί να ξεπεραστεί; Δύσκολη η απάντηση, αφού και σε αυτό τον τομέα,    οι «δυνατότητες» των ανθρώπων είναι απεριόριστες. Ωστόσο, συνιστά έσχατο σημείο παρακμής και παραλογισμού, η εκθεμελίωση θεσμών, η απαξίωση αρχών και η τυφλή βία εναντίον ανθρώπων. Αναφέρομαι στην βίαιη εισβολή   κάποιων απόστρατων στο Υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας, φαινόμενο πρωτοφανές παγκοσμίως!! Η περιοριστική δημοσιονομική πολιτική της Κυβέρνησης πλήττει τους Δημόσιους υπαλλήλους και του ευρύτερου και του στενού Δημόσιου τομέα. Άρα και τους στρατιωτικούς, εν ενεργεία και απόστρατους. Οι απόστρατοι υποστηρίζουν ότι έχουν μειωθεί οι συντάξιμες αποδοχές τους κατά 40%. Πιθανόν να έχουν δίκαιο. Όμως το ίδιο έχει συμβεί και με ΟΛΟΥΣ τους συνταξιούχους του Δημόσιου τομέα.    Οι απόστρατοι ζητούν να εξαιρεθούν από τις μειώσεις των αποδοχών τους, επειδή υπηρέτησαν στις Έν...

Είχε Δίκιο η Αντιγόνη ή ο Κρέων;

Επανερχόμαστε   στα παλιά ερωτήματα. Είχε άραγε κάπου δίκιο η Αντιγόνη (ή εξ ολοκλήρου δίκιο); Και είχε άραγε ο Κρέων κάποιο άδικο (ή εξ ολοκλήρου άδικο); Δεν είναι βέβαιο ότι αυτά είναι τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα ερωτήματα που θα μπορούσε κανείς να θέσει για το έργο, τουλάχιστον έτσι ωμά διατυπωμένα. Ή μάλλον θα μπορούσε ο Σοφοκλής ο ίδιος να τα έχει κάνει πιο ενδιαφέροντα —και πιο δύσκολα— όμως οι επιλογές του ήταν άλλες. Υπήρχε σύγκρουση —μια σύγκρουση εγελιανού τύπου— μεταξύ των δικαιωμάτων της οικογένειας και των δικαιωμάτων της πολιτείας. Και αρχικά φαίνεται σαν ο Σοφοκλής να πρόκειται να αναπτύξει το έργο του με βάση αυτή τη σύγκρουση, όταν η Αντιγόνη εμφανίζεται στον Πρόλογο του δράματος προσηλωμένη ειδικά στην οικογένεια και έκδηλα αδιάφορη απέναντι στην πολιτεία, ενώ ο Κρέων με το διάγγελμα του αμέσως μετά την Πάροδο (πολύ σημαντική τοποθέτηση σε αρχαίο ελληνικό δράμα) αναλαμβάνει τη θέση του εκφραστή της πόλεως, με την έκκληση έξαφνα που απευθύνει να υποταχθούν οι προσω...

Ο Κουρτ Γκέντελ Godel ΚΑΙ Το θεώρημα της μη πληρότητας και οι πεπερασμένες δυνατότητες του ανθρώπινου μυαλού

ο Godel έδειξε ότι σε οποιοδήποτε τυπικό σύστημα, υπάρχει πάντα μια δήλωση για τους φυσικούς αριθμούς που είναι αληθινή, αλλά που δεν μπορεί να αποδειχθεί στο σύστημα. Με άλλα λόγια, τα μαθηματικά δεν θα είναι ποτέ το αυστηρό κι ακλόνητο σύστημα που οι μαθηματικοί ονειρεύονταν επί χιλιετίες. ο πολυπόθητος στόχος της διαμόρφωσης ενός τέλειου τυπικού συστήματος αποκαλύπτεται ότι είναι χιμαιρικός. Όλα τα τυπικά συστήματα - τουλάχιστον αυτά που είναι αρκετά ισχυρά να είναι ενδιαφέροντα - αποδεικνύονται ελλιπή επειδή είναι σε θέση να διατυπώσουν δηλώσεις που λένε για το εαυτό τους ότι δεν μπορούν να αποδειχθούν. Αυτό, εν συντομία, εννοούμε όταν λέμε ότι ο Godel το 1931 κατέδειξε τη «μη πληρότητα των μαθηματικών». Δεν είναι ακριβώς τα μαθηματικά τα ίδια που δεν έχουν πληρότητα, αλλά οποιοδήποτε τυπικό σύστημα που προσπαθεί να συλλάβει όλες τις αλήθειες των μαθηματικών σε πεπερασμένο σύνολό αξιωμάτων και κανόνων . Ίσως πλέον αυτό να μη μας κλονίζει τόσο, αλλά για τους μαθηματικούς στ...